Out of Water Experience
A pool deck in Kitchener, Ontario, started sinking on the outer edges, making water seep into the grass, and creating a gap between the pool and the concrete perimeter. The owners were concerned because the sloping concrete slabs were not even, causing a tripping hazard for the homeowners and the guests. The pool deck concrete perimeter is in good condition; it just needs lifting to be back to its original state. The homeowners wanted a service that was cost-effective, quick, and reliable. With a small amount of research, they found Canadian Concrete Leveling.
A pool deck in Kitchener, Ontario, started sinking on the outer edges, making water seep into the grass, and creating a gap between the pool and the concrete perimeter. The owners were concerned because the sloping concrete slabs were not even, causing a tripping hazard for the homeowners and the guests. The pool deck concrete perimeter is in good condition; it just needs lifting to be back to its original state. The homeowners wanted a service that was cost-effective, quick, and reliable. With a small amount of research, they found Canadian Concrete Leveling.
After scheduling an appointment with the homeowners, our Project Manager, Andy Moncrieff, arrived at the site to provide a thorough and honest estimate. After hearing about the benefits of our PolyLevel® system, the homeowners were ready to follow through with the process. When our installation team, Kyle McKeown and JP Basto arrived on site, they set up the PolyLevel® injections to lift the sinking concrete. The good thing about our PolyLevel® installations is that they are reliable, quick, and fix concrete issues permanently. The holes required to do the PolyLevel® injections are the size of a dime, which leaves no sign of work behind. The homeowners watched the process and were amazed at how fast it happened and how clean the post-work was.
The pool deck was used almost immediately, making the homeowners happy since it was a lovely sunny day afterward!