Many homes in Guelph, Ontario, have walkout backyards. Typically, along the side of the property, there are staircases for the sloping grass heading out back. Usually, the staircases are functional until the concrete starts to settle and crack away. Unfortunately, the homeowners figured out the stairs had begun sinking by accidentally tripping down them when hosting. Thankfully no injury occurred, but it made the homeowners worry about future harm. After finding Canadian Concrete Leveling, it was time to inquire about pricing and how we can permanently fix this concrete to alleviate the homeowners' stress.
Our Project Manager, Andy Moncrieff, went to the home to see how our system could benefit these folks. The concrete was sinking in all the right places, so Andy quoted our new clients our PolyLevel® high-density polyurethane injection system. Our system is long-lasting, lightweight, quick, and hydrophobic compared to other leveling methods. On a later date, our installation team Bill McKeown and Jose Parades arrived up at home and began leveling the worrisome staircase. Bill started by drilling small holes into the concrete's lower sections. These will be filled with polyurethane, and the voids underneath will fill up fast. Behind him, Pedro was putting the caps that would hold the PolyLevel® machine in place. Once all the components were ready, it was time to inject away. The customer was taken aback by the results and was thrilled that he need to worry about hazards in the future.
Attached first glance
The angle of the garage threshold when first approaching the home.
The blueprint
The front of the home and the staircase that we are focusing on.
The side walkway
The side walkway had the slabs sink toward the home. Any water that goes on that slab trickles to the house's foundation.
After the leveling
This is the front of the home after our PolyLevel® system.
The side walkway after
The concrete is all levelled out. The concrete is now facing away from the home so all rainwater is making its way away from the foundation.
The staircase
Going down the staircase, many steps were cracked from the soil erosion causing tripping hazards.