Sinking Floor Caused Sinking Business, Guelph, ON
A home in Guelph, Ontario had a water problem in one of the rooms in the basement. The floor in the room was sinking, causing a 2-inch gap between the wall trim and the concrete floor. Water was leaking in, and it began to affect the carpet on the floor. The cement pad was also cracking. The customer's home office was in this room. He relied heavily on this office space for his business. Due to the water issues, he couldn’t keep his equipment in this room. The customer needed a quick solution so he could continue to run his business without interruption.
The builders of the home told the customer they would find the best company to fix the problem – Canadian Concrete Leveling.
Our Canadian Concrete Leveling team was more than happy to find a solution for this customer's home office. Our Project Lead, Paul Mendell assured the homeowner this problem would be fixed with a very simple, quick solution. Bill McKeown and the team used our PolyLevel injection system to fix the concrete. They lifted, leveled and stabilized the floor to stop water from coming in and damaging the carpet and concrete.
Our customer was very happy to get back to business in his home office and not worry about the possibility of water leaking into the basement again. He was impressed with our easy, non-invasive PolyLevel installation process – it only took 30 minutes.